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Learning new things – to solve my DS18B20 problem March 29, 2012

Posted by rik94566 in 1-wire, aquaponic automation, DIY aquaponics, DS18B20, Fritzing, One-wire, sensor, Stainless Steel Temp Probe, Temperature Probe.
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In an effort to understand electronics better and how it all works I have been working at using better tools.  Understanding circuit design and schematic’s is all part of this world.  The only way to learn how to read schematic’s and think on a different level is to have a project to learn how to use the software.  In this effort I decided to see if I could make use of Fritzing  (www.fritzing.org ).  It is a software package that help you design circuits in different formats.  Once done in one format it converts the work into another format of the same work.  In my case breadboard or visual layout into schematic view.  I have been looking at this software for quite a while and played around with it briefly.   Well now is time go learn it and use it in stead of doing all the hard wire stuff and taking pictures.  Taking pictures works fine in most cases, but this stuff helps to see the connections before going live…  Here is what I came up with for my current problem of getting my DA18B20 to work with external power.  Hope this helps you in some way on your projects and you learn something new also.

Drawing of the layout DS18B20 -- external power supply

Schematic of the the layout