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Temboo – my new found friend May 28, 2015

Posted by rik94566 in aquaponic automation, aquaponics, arduino, Internet-of-Farming, Temboo.
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Ever since the release of the “Internet of Farming” YouTube interview –  the recurring question is how to get the code working on my Arduino for my situation.  Well —  the reality of it is that everyone has a very different situation and totally different conditions specific to their setup and needs.

In the video I was using what was the best solution at the time to overcome this programming issue for me and what I was working to accomplish.  I spent a lot of time on research and internet searches and came up with the best solution at the time.  Fast forward 3 years and factor in advancements in technology and now things have progressed at a fast rate and new tools and companies are popping up in this next big area of technology growth IoT – Internet of Things.

I started learning about Temboo  ( https://temboo.com/ ) on different blogs that I follow and checked them out and began to learn more about their solution.  It seemed very simple in concept and very close to what I was looking for to help others on the same journey I have been on for a long time now.  Couple this with the Balcony Unit I have been developing over the last year for entry level people wanting a solution to learn Aquaponics and use automation  — it was a clear match.  It is a match because if someone built a Balcony Unit for themselves or purchased a kit of parts then they can customize the software solution for their needs using Temboo.  All I would have to do is supply a base code to get people started and then they can take their Balcony Units ( or other projects you have ) to whatever level you want.  There you go a PERFECT WORLD!

So as it goes I contacted Temboo about working with me on the Balcony Unit and the article for MAKE Magazine that is schedule to run sometime in the Fall of this year.  Well it turns out Temboo was interested in this effort and will be working with me to get some base code build that all of you will have access to right here for the Balcony Unit.  John Sigmier of Temboo reached out to me and let me know Temboo was interest in this effort.  So I will be blogging about all this effort now that we are close to pulling it all together for the finished Balcony Unit effort.  You will be reading about this effort and what I learn in this process.

John Sigmier of Temboo came by to chat and look at the aquaponic Balcony Unit at Maker Faire 2015 -

John Sigmier of Temboo came by to chat and look at the aquaponic Balcony Unit at               Maker Faire 2015 –